Under german constitutional law, all citizens have the right to regulate the use of their personal data. For this reason, it is our responsibility to protect the data you entrust to us upon visiting our website. We would subsequently like to inform you which of your data we have, what happens to this data, and what precautions we have taken to protect this data from misuse.


This data protection notice applies to the entire website, but not to the pages of other providers whose links you may find on our pages. Despite thorough content control, we cannot assume any liability for external links to third party content.


You can generally visit our website without providing your personal details. We only store access data not containing reference to individuals; this means that the following access data are stored in a log file on our server each time a user accesses a page on our website, and each time a file is downloaded:

  • IP address

  • Page from which the file was requested

  • Date, time

  • Browser type and browser settings

  • Operating system

  • Pages you have visited

  • Volume of transmitted data

  • Access status (file transmitted, file not found, etc.)

Statistics are generated from this data, which help us to further adapt our Internet portal to your needs. Personal information cannot be derived from this, and data cannot be disclosed to third parties, even in part.


Throughout our website, we offer you the opportunity to contact us. The personal data transmitted in the process will only be used for the purpose for which you voluntarily provided it to us. Data is not transferred to third parties. We will store the data in accordance with legal regulations and prevent third parties from unauthorized access.


According to the Federal Data Protection Act, users have the right to obtain information concerning the data stored about them on request and free of charge. Furthermore, in accordance with legal regulations, users also have the right to correct, disable, and delete this personal data. Please contact us in writing if you wish to do so.


If you have provided us with personal data, you always have the option to simply delete it again. You can revoke expressly declared consent at any time with future effect.


When you subscribe to our mailing list, we store your email address on a server. We use this information solely for the purpose of distributing the newsletter. We will not forward your information to third parties or use it for any other purpose. Our registration system generates an additional confirmation message containing a link to the final registration (double opt-in), thereby ensuring that the newsletter is only sent to those who have requested it.


We use "cookies" to extend the functionality of our website and make it easier for you to use. Cookies are small text files that are used to present users with as individualized an experience as possible. This file is automatically deleted from your computer at the end of your browser session. It is exclusively used to enable certain applications: counting page views, for example. These "cookies" enable us to store data on your computer when you visit our website.

If you do not want to take advantage of cookies, you can easily deactivate them in your browser. If you wish to do so, please disable cookies in your browser. You can read about how this works via your browser’s help function. An explanation containing both text and images can be found for Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome at this link: However, this may reduce the quality of the functions we provide.


Due to current circumstances, such as an amendment to the Federal Data Protection Act, we will – if necessary – update this privacy statement without providing advance notice. Please check the privacy statement before you use our website to remain informed of possible changes or updates.


For questions regarding the collection, processing, or use of your personal data; for information; for the correction, blocking, or deletion of data; and for the revocation of consent granted, please contact:

  • Dr. Wolfgang Brandhuber

  • D-92237 Sulzbach-Rosenberg

  • +49 (0) 9661.7050070
